Home Loan

Did you know that the overall interest expenses of the same case can vary by 20,000 US dollars in the housing loan application cases in Taipei City? That's the equivalent of a family's annual savings. Although the bank provides very complete mortgage information, we do not have enough time to try one by one until we find the best mortgage solution. The key is that the mortgage information is for reference only, and the actual loan approval amount hides many banks' internal work processes and considerations in response to regulatory requirements. There is a gap between the application and the final approved mortgage interest and amount.

Mortgage inclusive financial support service provides the public people with bidding operations for housing loan services. You only need to list your mortgage needs, provide the housing transaction information and personal property information, and designate a trusted bank or not, so that all banks and mortgage specialists can quickly provide you with a trial calculation and preliminary mortgage through matching offer. It allows you to grasp the details of the loan services that each bank can provide in the shortest possible time.

Your private information is protected on the platform through the implementation of the GDPR framework through blockchain technology. GDPR is the highest standard of personal data protection. You only need to provide your identity information and the basic information of the housing transaction case, such as: square meter, housing type, area, etc., and the rest of the sensitive information will be sealed with encryption technology. Not only the platform cannot know the content, but if the bank wants to check it, it must ask your permission through electronic documents.

The whole process adopts automatic operation, which is automatically performed by the platform according to the service policy defined by you. You can set various service and authorization policies at any time, thereby restricting the bank's data request behavior and greatly reducing the mortgage operation time.

Now, you only need to sit on the sofa, move your fingers, put the objects on the shelf, and you can sit and wait for the service application message from the bank service staff!